How to Write A Classical Argument Essay

Writing Tips for Classical Argument Essays. The art of written persuasion can be challenging to master. Convincing someone who disagrees with you from the very beginning can seem like an insurmountable task, especially if you come unprepared. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of writing a classical argument essay so that you can learn the ropes, so to speak, and eventually persuade your readers with relative ease. So sit tight and let’s focus out attention on the art of persuasion.

First, begin your essay with an introduction. Your first paragraph is where you will state your claim. But do not jump the gun just yet. Before you provide your main thesis, connect with your audience first. Do so by acknowledging their beliefs, their desires, or their aversions. This will help you establish a connection with your readers, thus engaging them and drawing them into your topic.

The next part – the “narration” – is where you will provide a brief background about your topic. For example, if you are writing about death penalty as morally reprehensible, you may offer a quick history lesson about capital punishment, as well as its current status. You may also include in the narration part of your classical argument essay the principles that led you to take your position.

After the narration comes the “confirmation” section. This is where you will provide your supporting arguments and explain them in more detail. Like the pillars to your walls, your supporting arguments will help reinforce your claim. Be sure to add relevant data. Crunch the numbers whenever necessary. Gather as many sources as you can. Strengthen your primary argument by surrounding it with facts because, after all, facts can hardly be disputed.

Of course, not everyone will agree with you. Thus, we have the “refutation” part of your classical argument essay. This is where you will address the opposition by providing counter arguments to what they will say against your claim. Anticipate every possible contrary position so that you will be one step ahead of them. Attack them at their weak spots. This presupposes that you understand the opposition in the first place, so it is best that you view the topic from their perspective as well.

After all has been said and done, it’s now time to wrap up your classical argument essay. This will be your “conclusion” section. One way to do this is to reiterate your primary claim and to showcase why it is the better path to embrace. Conversely, you may also state why believing in the opposing side can lead to certain repercussions. In any case, the point is to hammer the nail and close your paper on a high note.

Overall, writing a classical argument essay can be challenging if you’re not aware of how to write one. It is a persuasive type of paper that follows a specific format, because this format is what makes it effective. Our team of writers can further provide assistance should you need it. Hire us by sending us an email.

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