Essay Tutor: Writing Rogerian Argument

Essay Tutorial on Writing Rogerian Argument Style. You have come to the right place: we will provide a quick but useful tutorial on writing effective Rogerian essays so that you can make one with ease. It’s really not that difficult. All you need are some key writing pointers to keep in mind and you should be all set. Just stick to these tips for your Rogerian essay and get yourself more time doing other equally important things.

Tip #1. Delay your judgment. Of course, you have a definite say on your topic. But whatever your opinion is, do not offer it outright. Otherwise, your reader who may hold a different perspective may become disinterested from diving deeper into your Rogerian argument essay. Rather, gently introduce your opinion on the subject. Do not make haste as it is the exact opposite of what you are trying to accomplish. In a way, invite your audience to your house, and once inside you can then begin convincing them.

Tip #2. Focus on reconciliation. You do not want more enemies, or your goal is not to harden up the stance of those who will not agree with you. Instead, winning over those on the other side of the fence is your task. This cannot be achieved by maintaining an attack mode. If you write nothing else other than criticisms of the opposing viewpoint, then you run the risk of having your readers shut their doors for any possibility of reconciliation, at which point your Rogerian essay loses its traction.

Tip #3. Study the opposing viewpoint. It’s natural to have an opinion on your chosen topic right at the outset. This brings a bias, which is not entirely wrong to have. The trick is to learn the contrary position instead of avoiding it altogether. Doing so will help you identify the weaknesses of your arguments. It can even help you prepare your arguments from getting attacked at their weak spots. In other words: know your enemy. That’s all there is to it.

Tip #4. Acknowledge weaknesses. Perhaps there is nothing more attractive for someone who does not agree with you than the fact that you are willing to admit the weak areas of your argument. This makes them feel that they are winning, not realizing that you are actually setting them up for failure. This will depend on the rebuttal that you will provide. What is vital here is to give a strong counter to the criticisms that you have to anticipate.

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