Thesis Statement Example 1
Wrong: "Electric cars are better vehicles because they have benefits." [This is a wrong formulation of a thesis statement because it does not compare electric cars to another type of vehicle in terms of benefits.]
Correct: "Electric cars provide a viable alternative to gasoline-fueled cars because the benefits outweigh the costs."
Thesis Statement Example 2
Wrong: "Smoking should be prohibited." [This thesis statement is too vague or ambiguous apart from being too short. It does not really argue for or against any specific point.]
Correct: "There should be an absolute ban against smoking in public because secondhand smoke endangers the health of non-smokers."
Thesis Statement Example 3
Wrong: "I will argue in this essay that same-sex couples can marry because it is their right." [This thesis statement is unclear. It is not really disputed that same-sex couples can marry because they really can, only that they can marry a person of the opposite sex. Note the correct way of writing the thesis statement in the next sentence.]
Correct: "This paper argues that same-sex marriage should be allowed because homosexual couples are also citizens with fundamental rights like heterosexual spouses."
An effective thesis statement is straight to the point. It avoids unnecessary and vague words that do not really relate to the essay's topic. In the thesis statement examples provided, observe how they adhere to the "A is B because C" formula. While there are other ways to write a thesis statement, the formula allows you to write one that fully expresses an argument while getting rid of words and phrases that have little to do with your topic.
You may also want to read how to write a thesis statement.
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