Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Example Essay

Sample essay using Monroe’s motivated sequence as technique. There are many methods used when arguing a topic. Convincing your readers will require some specific modes depending on how you wish to convince them, and Monroe’s motivated sequence offers one way of doing exactly just that. The key is to follow the five key sections of this technique. Here is a sample essay using Monroe’s motivated sequence using the topic of Bitcoin.

“Current modes of payment involving traditional currency is tedious and not completely safe. It takes days and sometimes weeks for cross-border transactions to complete. Worse, persistent follow-ups with banks need to be done just to confirm that the transaction pushed through. In some cases, money is lost as a result of incorrect information or some banking errors that cannot be undone.”

“With the way in which current financial transactions are done, there is an apparent need to adopt a better system, one that is fast, secure, and convenient. What is needed is a system that does not require days or weeks for transactions, especially cross-border ones, to complete. A system that is free from any system error or hacking is also very much needed. A system that can be accessed with a few taps of a button wherever one may be located is also a big plus.”

“As a network, Bitcoin is fast in terms of completing transactions. It takes only a few minutes for a cross-border transaction to complete as there are no clearing houses involved, unlike current bank transfers. Bitcoin is also secure as it is hack-proof. In fact, to this day, the network has never been hacked, and upgrades are rolled out regularly to make it even secure. Lastly, Bitcoin is convenient because it only involves a few presses of a button in your mobile phone to make transactions. You can practically use Bitcoin anytime, anywhere.”

“If people start to use Bitcoin, their lives will be easier. Long queues in banks and other financial institutions can be avoided. Interruptions or delays from clearing houses are no longer part of the process, thus giving people more peace of mind. Users will feel safe knowing that their money cannot be stolen through hacking, and that it will only take a few minutes for their transactions to complete. In all, Bitcoin offers a life-changing financial system for everyone.”

“It does not requite too much for one to start using Bitcoin. All that is needed is a connection to the internet and a few minor tech know-hows. One can even start right now to begin reaping the benefits of the Bitcoin network.”

And there you have it. You have just read an example of Monroe’s motivated sequence essay divided into its key components. You may use the article as a guide to create your own. You can also learn more about Monroe’s motivated sequence by reading our article, or you can hire our team write one for you.

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