Inductive Argument Examples

Here are several examples of Inductive Arguments.

(The generalization, or the conclusion, proceeds from the specific examples or samples provided.)

There are basketball players from the 1980s who have scored at least 5 points on average.
Therefore, basketball players from the 1980s have scored at least 5 points on average.

Jack and John are guitarists and they feel pain in their fingers after playing 2 hours straight.
Jill is also a guitarist and she feels the same pain after playing the guitar for 2 hours.
Therefore, guitarists feel pain in their fingers after playing 2 hours straight.

(This for of inductive reasoning proceeds from a generalization to a conclusion about an individual or sample.)

All policemen who are at least 40 years of age have apprehended at least 2 traffic violators.
Thomas is a policeman who is 43 years of age.
Therefore, there is a probability that Thomas has already apprehended at least 2 traffic violators while in service.

No Chemistry professor has allowed his students to have more than 12 absences in class.
Robert teaches Chemistry to a group of third-year college students.
Therefore, Robert has not allowed his students to have more than 12 absences in his class.

(This method of inductive reasoning proceeds from a premise about a sample group to a conclusion about another individual)

Half of the employees of Gander Publications are given monthly bonuses of $500.
Christopher is an associate editor of Gander Publications.
Therefore, there is a probability that Christopher is given a monthly bonus of $500.

A third of college essays in Trentworth Academy receive B+ for their grade.
Harry submitted his college essay for literature in Trentworth Academy.
Therefore, there is a probability that Harry will receive B+ for his essay.

(This form of inductive reasoning relies on the theory that there are shared attributes.)

Thelma is a driving lessons instructor. She is diligent, trustworthy and kind.
Jennifer is also a driving lessons instructor. She is diligent and trustworthy.
Therefore, Jennifer is also kind.

Leonardo is a good writer, a painter, and an athlete.
Ronaldo is a painter and an athlete.
Therefore, Ronaldo is also a good writer.

(This inductive argument draws a conclusion about a causal connection based on the conditions of the occurrence of an effect.)

Albert always takes an afternoon jog in the city park.
After a few minutes of jogging, he finds himself being chased by dogs.
Therefore, Albert will be chased by dogs if he will jog in the city park.

(This method of induction draws a conclusion about a future individual from a previous sample.)

In the past ten years, twenty of the fifty firemen in the county have helped save homes from fires.
Therefore, there is a probability that the other thirty of the fifty firemen in the county will help save other homes from fires.

An important point to consider is that the strength of the inductive argument heavily relies on the strength of the individual premises. The likelihood or probability of the premises in an inductive reasoning to be true is not always fixed. Care should be taken when choosing which premises to use in an inductive argument. Read more about inductive arguments.

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